During this adventure, you will start with bare hands as weapons but gradually gain more powerful weapons and better ammo. You must also search for food (berries on bushes, apple trees, carrots, mushrooms, swedes, etc growing in small patches on the ground).


You start in your home. Get the empty bowl, shuriken and 20 pebbles. Leave through the unlocked door (N Caila). Find the hermit there. He asks you to find his map. Travel to W Marches and get the back door key from the molehill and the pouch of renewal from near the two trees (the trees are thirsty). Go to S Caila. Avoid the mouse. Fill the bowl at the lake and go through the tree gate. Go to E Taira. Kill the bandit outside the bandit's refuge. Get the map. Inside, get the bread (food), mouldy cheese and tunic. You can now pass the mouse as you have the cheese. Kill the hydra (use sling and lead shot) and get the circlet. Go back to the hermit. Follow his instructions. Go back to Taira and through the rock gate that has appeared. Go to the tree to be transported to...


Meet Prince Gregor who has lost his crown. In Northern Sylvar, get a useful hint from the molehill. Head towards one of the dwarves' houses and kill the dwarf here. Get the lantern. Enter the tunnels. Enter the eastern room with the baby spider and get the rope. Go to the western room, kill the dwarf king and get his crown. You will need the rope to leave the tunnels. Leave through the NE entrance and find Gregor again. He gives you gold for his crown. Go back into the tunnels, leave through the SW exit. Get the belt of lung capacity from the molehill. Travel to the clearing with the fountain. It transports you to one of the islands of Delanda.


Shoot the seagulls to get gold coins. Go south by ferry to the larger island. Kill a druid to get a gold sickle. Read the message by the stones, and find the dying man to get a clue. Cut mistletoe from the tree in the middle and you can pass between the stones. In the land beyond the stones, kill enough peasants to get a short bow and a fair number of arrows. Collect the armband of strength from the molehill. Take the ferry south to the sandy island and meet Princess Eloise to get her message and a bracelet. Collect the lightfoot sandals from the centre of the island. These allow you to walk on water on some occasions. Walk east across the water to the island of the well. Hear the message from the well and get the vial. Return to the dying druid and collect his soul. Go back to the well and you'll pass into it. You find yourself in blackness. Turn till you spot something - some greaves. Get them and leave east to.....


To find warm clothing, head NE and you'll get warm boots from a molehill. Leave north through an icy mountain pass to the lowest plain. Leave east again, through another pass, to another icy plain. To the east is a bandit's hideout. Kill the bandit to gain a travelling cloak. Note the cave is sheltered from the wind. Go back out and north (kill the snake) to the highest, most icy plain. Get a useful message from the three Weird Sisters. Get the wood they leave. Return south to the lowest plain and go west to another cave. Kill the bandit and get his gloves. Meet the hermit inside the cave to obtain a tinderbox and some advice. Go back to the other cave where you light a fire, your head spins and you drift to....


Listen to advice from the three characters sitting by a fire and also from a nearby molehill. Enter the temple to the south and kill the sorcerer inside to gain a red robe. Go into the castle. Enter the room of paintings and examine them to get a clue from one. Go to the music room. Kill the guards in there, get the chain mail and trumpet. Visit the dining room and collect the mug, plate and quiver of renewal. Go to the door of the throne room and you'll blow the trumpet to unlock the door. Inside, kill the guards and go close to the throne to see a vision and be transported to.....


The heat is bothering you so go west to the cave, kill the snake outside and get the shades inside. Back outside, meet Princess Lucia, Eloise's sister, to get some advice and a necklace. Look inside the northwest pyramid to find a breastplate. Some of the priests, when killed, drop a dagger. Use it to cut certain cacti whose liquid restores some of your strength. Others drop a rod of flame. Find the scarab in the northern rockier area, get her advice and do what she says - go to the oasis in the southern sandy zone and to the Pyramid but don't worry if you take longer than half an hour! Follow the scarab inside and learn about the Maze of Light. Go through the red door, in the next room through the red door to the east, the same in the next room and you will find a yellow door to your north. Go through the yellow door (an alarm goes off), meet the archmage and get the box when he vanishes to be transported to.....


Kill the sorcerer who attacks you and get the fireball wand. Get the candle from the room of candles. In the room where the headless woman attacks, kill her - she thanks you and leaves an amulet. Go to the room with the Emperor (E, N, N) - you won't see him unless you have the candle - and get his message. Go to the fountain room and kill the sorcerer to get a lightning staff. Find Lucia and she follows you when you return to the Emperor. You'll get a bottle, helmet and some useful advice when Lucia meets her father. Go back to the fountain and, as it instructs you, go to the Chamber of Lost Souls. When the fountain tells you to follow the peasants, do so. Meet the three witches again and get their message to find the archmage down the east corridor. When you meet the archmage again down there, attack him with the lightning staff. He vanishes. Get the scroll. It is covered in runes which you can't decipher. The room spins and you are in......


Leave the cave and kill the dragon outside. Get the dragonskin and the contents of its lair (coins, pellets, dragon spear) Go outside. Go near the peasants and heed their advice - do not pass into the central area yet. Go to the western marshes, meet the hermit and hear his message. Follow him to the molehill in the west and enter the mound that opens. Get the armour and shield and learn what you have to do. Get the ring from the centre of the plains of ash, return to the hermit to get cured. Follow him to the southern marshes to another molehill and listen to what he says. Through the boulder gateway you meet the witches again and they tell you what to do and give you the history of the ring. Get the ring of total annihilation that they leave and find the archmage in the northern marshes. Attack him with the ring, he screams and vanishes. Return to the chamber where you started to find him again. Use the ring, he screams and disappears and a hole opens in the wall. Go through and down the corridor to the door. Destroy the guardian. The archmage reappears behind you. Use the ring on him again and he vanishes. Enter the room, it's empty and the door shuts behind you. You feel the room descend. The door opens. Go through into the next room which is also empty. The device given to you by the kobold starts to vibrate and glow softly. You hear a hum as the other room returns. The archmage enters through the door but seems frozen to the spot. The device burns your hand and you drop it. Something happens to the archmage. His voice is changed. It's N'Gnir returned to restore the land while you take a well-earned rest!! Game complete!

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